These are cute storage pods. The top three were made for my friend Carol. I sent them to her with the mug rug I made. Have a couple of these in my sewing room to hold odds and ends. Have all my clips in one.
These are cute storage pods. The top three were made for my friend Carol. I sent them to her with the mug rug I made. Have a couple of these in my sewing room to hold odds and ends. Have all my clips in one.
When I was last on the Island, both Wendy and I got this pattern. At that time I didn't realize that the blocks end up being 18 inches!!! Made with my existing batik stash. Just had enough of the beige to do the backing. Actually had to look among my scraps to get the last piece. Backing is a lovely green.
Had a problem with the center squares. They ended up being about 1/2 inch too big. Must have measured wrong :( Had to undo a couple of the blocks to get it right as I didn't clue in right away on the first block.
Bought a package of these strips a few years ago. Finally made something out of them. Did a throw quilt with a red fleece backing. Will be nice to cuddle up with on cold nights around Christmas time.
A set of 4 placemats. My neighbor Dy-Anna bought a few panels and gave me one. I needed Christmas placemats as I didn't have any. The panel also included 4 coasters to make, but decided I didn't need them at this time - can always make them later.
Made three cuddle quilts for my nephew's girls - Emma, Ava and Mia. Each gave me their color and I went from there. Did a disappearing nine patch for the quilts. They are the same except for the main color. Emma's is yellow, Ava's is purple and Mia's is blue. The other colors are from my stash. I think it is finally starting to go down! LOL
Squares were cut 4". This made for a 10" block.
I received a package of batik layer cakes from my neighbor for my birthday. Made my daughter in law a cuddle quilt out of it. Pattern is tricky triangles, although it was called something else too. Hope she gets a lot of use out of it.
Still looking for things to sew :) Went for a drive this week to Penticton and had a lovely walk along the lake. Decided to stop in at the quilt store there as I haven't been in a very long time. Found this dragonfly fabric and immediately thought of my daughter in law. Made he a shopping bag and a matching mask. Turned out well.
Really like this shopping bag so here are the instructions:
Cut 21 x WOF. Trim salvage edges. On both 21" sides, fold over 1 inch and then 1 inch again - this creates a sturdier top. Top stich along both sides of the fold. Fold in half WRONG sides together (hemmed tops together) and sew 1/4" along side seams. Turn so right sides are now together (wrong sides facing out) and sew 1/2" to enclose the raw edges. Fold the bottom corners 7" and stitch to make triangle bottom corner. I then fold out and stitch along the remaining two sides of the triangle to reinforce the bottom of the bag. Turn right sides out. To finish the bag, I put a small seam along the edge from the bottom corners to the top - this creates a nice fold. If you followed the measurements right, it will be 3 1/2" from the side seams. Cut handles 30" long and attach to the bag. I put mine at 3" in from the sides (from the additional seams). I bought stuff to use for the handles instead of making it out of the fabric as I hate trying to sew and then try to turn right side out. These make the handles very sturdy as well.
Needed something to sew, so made some pillow cases for the grand kids. Took almost a full meter of fabric. After I made them I thought they looked very big, but once I put the pillows inside, they were just the right size. Made them without a border and trim - only because I didn't have anything on hand to coordinate with the fabric. So after I made them, I gave them to the boys. When I mentioned I made some for the girls, my daughter said they don't use pillows. So much for that!
Instructions for the plain pillow cases:
36 x 43 (standard)
40 x 43 (queen)
46 x 43 (king)
Hem on long side (43"). Press over 1/2" then fold over 4" and press again. Stitch along both sides of folded hems.
Fold in half WRONG sides together. Stitch around 1/4". Trim to 1/8". (Or just sew it 1/8" - LOL). Press along seam. Turn wrong sides out and press again. Pillow case is not with RIGHT sides together. Stich again at 1/2" - this will enclose the raw edges making a french seam. Turn and press.
Instructions for the pillow cases with a trim (I have not made this one yet):
Standard - Main 27 x43 Border 11 x 43 Trim 1 3/4 x 43
Queen - Main 31 x 43 Border 11 x 43 Trim 1 3/4 x 43
King - Main 37 x 43 Border 11 x 43 Trim 1 3/4 x 43
Press trim in half lengthwise, WST.
Layer fabrics as follows: border, trim, main, matching 43" sides. Made sure the border is on the bottom. Pin top raw edge.
Roll up main fabric almost to top of border. Wrap border around main and match raw edges. Re-pin through all layers. This will make a 'burrito'. Stitch.
Turn main fabric through end of roll. Should now be right sides out. Press and topstitch if desired.
Fold pillow case in half, WRONG sides together. Complete for the french seam as in above instructions.
Had a little bit of border print left over from a previous kids quilt I made. Added pieces to the top and bottom of the placemat and I now have placemats for my girls. And a snack mat. A few more scraps used up!
This used to be a wall hanging. But I no longer wanted it on the wall and was wondering what to do with it. So I added some borders and made it into a throw quilt. As you can see, it is also kitty approved :) Size is 55 x 65". Trying to clear up some things in my stash.
My grand daughter Cambria wanted me to sew her a doll. This was made from the Josephine Doll pattern on Pinterest. They are small, approx 8", so we filled them with rice instead of batting. That was Cambria's idea - smart kid. She also picked out the fabric she wanted to use for each of the parts - hence the orange face and blue and pink hair LOL. I was not pleased with how these turned out - but Cambria loved them. The pink haired one for her and the blue haired one for her sister Lilly.
Finished yet another king size quilt for the bed. Almost have enough for a different one every month! This is 95 x 95" with a blue and white background. Lori from The Quilt Studio quilted it. Was flowers and bumble bees, but the bumble bees don't really look like one. Oh well, it is still quilted beautifully!
Not very impressed personally with this one though. Pattern is boring on a quilt this big and the colors aren't as impressive as I hoped. This will be the last king size quilt I make for quite some time. Just have too many for the bed.
Not even going to guess how long I had the tops of these in my stash LOL. I put the purple borders on to make them large enough to cover the tops of our night tables. Turned out real good. At least I could use these once I finished them. Tried something different for the binding. Cut the back fabric one inch larger than the top. Then folded it over twice to make the binding. I like the result, but the corners still did not turn out any better than the regular way.
Another one where I had the top done for a couple of years. Put a purple minky type backing on it. Size is 55 x 62, which is a great size for a throw quilt. The white centers all contain different quilt sayings. Used up some more of my 2 1/2" batik strips to put around the sayings. Strip basket is getting smaller but still quilt a few to go through. Not sure if I will keep this throw to myself or give it to one of my quilting friends.
I have run out of things to quilt. Guess this pandemic has gone on long enough if that is the case LOL. If I make more quilts, I really don't have any use for them. And don't have anyone else to give them too. My stash has gone down, but still too much fabric left :( Trying to think of other things I can do with the fabric but haven't come up with anything to make that I could use. No sense making things to try and sell as that has never worked in the past for me.
Had the top done for a couple of years - finally put a fleece back on it. Size is 42 x 60. I was going to put some extra borders on to make it larger but forgot. And once I put the backing on and quilted it, it was too late. Oh well. Still a fair size for a throw quilt. The squares were a Laura Burtch charm back. (5 " squares). Love the bright colors, but of course, those are my favorites. Going to put some of the older throw quilts that I have had around for many years in the trailer and use these newer ones in the house. Good to change them up once in a while!
Yet another string quilt. I am getting tired of making them, need to find something different to do with my 1 1/2 inch strips. This one I did a little different - used white as the center strip. This seems to tie the blocks together better. Also did a variety of backings, so the quilt is reversible. Used the QAYG technique again. The blocks are 9 inches, so the size of the quilt is 6 x 8 blocks, or 54 x 72 inches. A good size for a single bed. I have no plans for this quilt yet. So it will go in the pile of my other quilts that I don't know what to do with.
Well, I thought I would give making baskets a try. Was getting tired of doing quilts, so thought a change would be good. Not only that, it would use up some of my older napkins. Unfortunately, they didn't turn out like the pictures on Pinterest. Not pleased at all with the results. I thought maybe it was just because I used regular batting instead of a firmer one that was recommended in the pattern. So I tried a second one using a firmer stabilizer. Didn't turn out any better :( So I guess my days of making baskets are over. Will have to come up with some other suggestions for using up the old napkins. Was thinking of making bags as my next project - hopefully they turn out better and look more like the pics on Pinterest!
One thing I did figure out was how big to make the squares at the bottom of the bags. For every inch of the sides, use 1/4 inch corner. So for an 18 inch square, you would make the corners 4 1/2 inches. But that is only if you want to make a square basket. You could do whatever size corner you want - LOL.
Finally made these oven mitts that I have been wanting for a long time. Not at all pleased with the result. Cut the long pieces 8 x 24. Next time would cut a couple of inches longer and maybe an inch less in the width. The pockets were 8 x 6.5. Batting was two layers between the long pieces and one between the smaller pieces. Used binding around the edges. Was very thick so difficult to put the binding on properly. Cut the binding 2" and folded. Directions called to cut the rounded corners and then quilt the long pieces. Would sew everything together first and then cut the corners, would make it much neater that way.
Overall, not bad for a first try. Will use it for a while and see if there would be any other changes I would make.
My first attempt at a Mondo bag. Other members of our West Kelowna Quilters have made a few of these and was interested in doing one as well. Had to buy the pattern as I couldn't find just the instructions on line. The pattern comes with a grid that you lay out your squares on to quilt. Didn't use it as I already had some 9 patches left over from another project. I like how the bag is sewn, kind of like a windmill. But it turned out very big. Would like to try again but make it smaller. Uses a 4 x 12 grid of 2.5" squares. So maybe 3 X 10 next time. Will see how it works.
Overall, I am happy with the bag though. Great for a beach bag where you can put big stuff into it. Used all leftovers that I had so the bag did not cost me anything. That is always a bonus!